Software > JGPaiva's GridMove and Ahk Tools
GridMove automatic window placement
First post here, so: Hi all!
I have been using GridMove for some years now and it has been great, very functional. Even next to aerosnap it still adds functionality that is useful I think. I have 2 questions:
I would like to automatically place windows in a grid "spot" should they pop up. For instance: if Live Messenger starts I want it placed in grid 1.
Also I would like to switch between single- and multimonitor configurations, as I have a laptop. It would be great if I could switch between configuration 1 and 2 automatically depending on the number of monitors connected. What would be even better is to automatically minimize everything except the frontmost program when going to single screen mode.
As for your first request, I think that's really out of the scope of GridMove, you're better off by complementing it with WinWarden, which was designed for that purpose.
As for the second request, I'm not sure if you know, but switching grids is just a matter of right-clicking when you are moving a window and GridMove shows you the grid.
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