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The Downfall of Internet Advertising

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One thing I've noticed is when people recommend a free (FOSS or Freeware) application or suite, others chime in with their happy reports on a software that is NOT free, thus the commentary on something that is freely available becomes an unwitting WoM platform to drive profitable business.
-Edvard (May 25, 2012, 12:46 PM)
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Yep.  When you look at the history of marketing, there are instances in earliest recorded history that we have found - not by intent, just a casual byproduct of recording some other event  ;D.  (Unfortunately, marketing history is something I know more about than [n]ever I desired to know  :(.) 

Can't you just imagine some Cro-magnon selling his brethren on hunting mastodon because he overheard one Neanderthal telling another how good it tasted  :-\ :P?  WoM will always be around, but Internet folk are a varied and talented lot, and someone will come up with a marketing methodology better suited to the venue. 

Current/recent methodology has been patterned after newspaper/magazine models with some input from TV/radio models, none of which are really suited to this new venue.  The existing model is a shotgun approach, using repetition to produce seeming familiarity/need, with an occasional serendipitous purchase.

When someone devises a model specifically suited to the Web, that person:

* will garner significant valuta,
* will be copied so fast that heads will spin.
Just a matter of time.


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