I think about a little tool that show me
all of the user names of the current computer
and allow me to start an programm
as an user choosen from this list... no hack!... i would need the password too.
I would like to use this program e.g. as tool for file manager like
DCRunAsWrapper.exe %ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXEor i would create an shortcut from DCRunAsWrapper.exe and edit
the command line and add an program as parameter.
Then DCRunAsWrapper should create a user list
(maybe just scan C:\Doc and Set\ for subfolders and show the folder names?)
and show me this list of names in an drop down box
from where i could choose one name, enter the password
and maybe make some settings.

Perhaps there should be in the GUI an "choose file"- dialog too?