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9 Signs Self-Publishing Is out of Control

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The conversation at The Graveyard Shift has a better title - 9 Signs Self-Publishing Is Out of Control

Interesting blog post- but more interesting on The Graveyard Shift site- especially the conversation going on.

Carol Haynes:
Been my impression for a while ... having said that I have just completed a creative writing course so you wait for my magnificent octopus soon!

I'm all for self-publishing. Not everyone will make it big, but so what. It chips away at the publishing establishment. And that, is a very good thing. :)

I'm actually working (slowly) on a publication myself. I've got one book so far, about 15 years ago, through a "real" publisher, but I don't see that they offer very much to the writer now.

We'll see if the OP's article changes my mind...

It seems they took the pains to provide a raison d'etre for the good old publishers.
The efforts of gatekeepers on the verge of obsolescence are always funny to watch, but tragic to observe.

Yeah, what if it is a bubble? Will it collapse and take down the world economy with it? Seriously...

Too many people have their own mouths and talk freely using them. Such people should also be restrained.  :P


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