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IDEA: move small dialog windows to cursor position

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Actually, that makes more sense, it'd be exactly like the "cursor jump to dialog" but it's "dialog jump to cursor". I've been through ahk's functions, and this should be fairly easy to implement.  :Thmbsup:

fantastic. i look forward to seeing the result.

i look forward to seeing the result.
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me too

not wishing to rush you, jgpaiva, but here are a few more suggestions - one of which might seem like heresy.

i'd still very much like to see the dialog window move so that it came to rest with the highlighted button under the mouse cursor, but i think that some windows don't have a highlighted button - well, it looks like that to me - maybe they are 'in focus' but they just aren't 'highlighted'. anyway, if it's true that some dialog windows don't have a highlighted button could you make it so that dialogmove looks for the 'okay' or 'yes' or 'save' button instead.

and here's the heretical idea. how about if dialogmove worked exactly as it does now and then the mouse cursor jumped the final couple of inches to the highlighted button? i admit i've not really thought about this suggestion so it might just be a really annoying method to use.

as always, if you can make these features user selectable it would be greatly appreciated.


i feel bad about suggesting more but i thought this might be interesting - possibly pointless.

it's only a cosmetic thing anyway.

instead of the dialog window 'jumping' to the mouse cursor position, how about the dialog window was seen to move to the cursor position, i.e. there was a little bit of animation involved - say one or two steps that the window would travel along a path until it landed under the cursor.

i can imagine this looking quite nice if it was smooth enough but it would probably look horrible if it was too jerky.


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