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IDEA: move small dialog windows to cursor position
well, i'm sure you'll be absolutely staggered at the advanced coding level i'm working at, here's the "nudone's AndyM's jgpaiva's DialogMove Remix"
--- ---WinGetPos,WinX,WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight,ahk_id %ActiveWindow%
if WinWidth =
WinGetTitle,WinTitle,ahk_id %ActiveWindow%
If NotDetectableWindow(WinTitle,WinClass)
If DetectableWindow(WinTitle,WinClass)
gosub movewindow
If WinHeight < 150 ;AndyM
gosub movewindow ;AndyM
If WinHeight > 151 ;nudone
return ;nudone
;If WinHeight > %PredefWinHeight%
; return
;If WinWidth > %PredefWinWidth%
; return
very sorry, but the latest versions, .exe and .ahk still have the same problem when i click on the 'okay' button. that's from a clean start up with no .ini files lying around anywhere.
-nudone (May 04, 2006, 01:13 PM)
--- End quote ---
Ah, I just checked mine, and when I first opened the Options dialog, the readings were correct (1024 Screen Top, 1280 Screen Right). Then I clicked ok, and when I triggered the script, the small dialog box didn't move as expected. Opened up the Options dialog and the Screen Top and Screen Right were both set to zero (the other settings were still correct). I input 1024 and 1280, clicked OK, and everthing worked fine. Opened the Options dialog to look, and the numbers were correct. Cancelled the Options, and everything is still ok. Fwiw, I think the only place I'm seeing this behavior is it the two fields, Sreen Top and Screen Right.
So the error seems to sort of toggle. Or maybe things work right after you've made a change and then clicked "ok", but not work right if you click "ok" after making no change. Or maybe something else...
okay, my 'remix' isn't worth spinning.
i now see that's it's a bit too dumb in how it works. there are a few dialog windows that i have gotten used to auto jumping to the cursor that the above method prevents from working.
just the AndyM original remix is sufficient for the short annoying dialogs.
--- ---If WinHeight > 151 ;nudone
return ;nudone
;If WinHeight > %PredefWinHeight%
; return
;If WinWidth > %PredefWinWidth%
; return-nudone (May 04, 2006, 01:31 PM)
--- End quote ---
Doesn't this bypass the %PredefWinHeight% and %PredefWinWidth% parameters and not move any boxes over 151 high unless they've been specifically added to the Detectable list?
I like having non-specified boxes under 450 high or 400 wide (my settings) be moved. (Plus I like having non-specified boxes under 140 high moved no matter how wide they are :))
Oops, nudone, you already figured this out and posted your reply.
I need to type faster!
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