Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room
Thoughts in remembrance of the 6 million (est.) murdered in the Holocaust
mouser has always said that he feels that dc is not the right place for political and religious subjects. He's often ignored, but that wish does keep most of those discussions in check, which is helpful imo. I dont consider that censorship.
I've never seen a post censored here in the sense of removed.
-tomos (April 20, 2012, 02:50 AM)
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So far so good, but depending on how this development plays out, it could. But that is all I shall say. By now I have said what I wished to. The rest is up to you all.
I remember in a mobile/handheld computing forum where I was a moderator (Aximsite) the owner set up a separate subforum for politics and religion topics and made it so you had to request access and receive a separate password to enter! I felt it a bit extreme - though in all honesty I never did request access to the darned thing and never received it either, moderator or not!
Thank you.
The idea of making a special forum section specifically for moving threads that might otherwise be disruptive elsewhere is not a bad idea at all..
My feeling in general is that the site benefits greatly from having only two really big general purpose sections (Living Room and Software) where most of our conversation takes place. I think that helps a lot in keeping us tight as a community. I am not a fan of breaking up the site into little enclaves.
But having a section where topics could be MOVED if they venture too much into politics/religion might be a better solution than asking people to stop talking about them if they start to feel distracting. It would also make it possible for people to more easily ignore that section if they don't want to be bothered with it. I don't think we would need to have it so that you had to request to get into such a section -- it would be enough that it was a bit more out of the way than the main sections..
I don't browse by section... but by unread topics since last visit. I'm not sure how many people do the same, but this wouldn't help in that case.
+1 like wraith808, but you could exclude a forum or thread if the content isn't 'your cup of tea'?
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