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More YouTube Censorship

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Well, it is a company, and it can do what it wants, but seriously? Censoring? It just doesn't go down well...

Here's the censored video:

And commentary on the censorship - ON YOUTUBE~! ;D HAHAHAHAHAHHAA~!

And an article on the video being pulled:

Poking fun at a public figure who openly calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be “treated” as a way of re-educating them is apparently off limits for You Tube, who censored a video in which Alex Jones used absurdist satire as a vehicle to illustrate the crackpot and dangerous beliefs of University of Oregon Professor Kari Norgaard.

--- End quote ---

The original video can be viewed at that URL via

I saw the video the other day, and all he did was poke fun at this professor:

Jones gave her the "Skeksy Award", which is really just a joke.

There's nothing remotely worth censoring in the video. Sure the humour may be a bit silly, but so what?

And yeah... it's a publicly traded company and all that... But still... Whether it's Amazon deleting books, or Apple banning apps, or Google censoring videos, there's something sickening about control freak censorship.

Well, you've had things such as, for example:

* The publication of the World Government Plan (The Covenant) by the proponents of AGW;
* An AGW spokesman coming out and specifying that their "Cause" is World Government;
* The proposal of a new "World Bank" to collect punitive carbon taxes/fines and redistribute that wealth to poorer countries, and it's to have immunity from prosecution too, under the wing of the UN;
* The UN IPCC's litany of "mistakes" and misinformation, and a stochastic lie in the shape of the "hockey stick";
* The proposal by a scientist to genetically modify humans to adapt them to accepting the AGW creed;
* Now a sociologist recommending that skeptics be "treated" for their skepticism as though it were a social crime;
* The Climategate 1 and 2 FOIA files;
* The Gleickgate fraud.
What else do you need?
Hmm...if it smells like a rat and looks like a rat, then...but no, I see no rats here.    8)
Could it all be just a big joke?    :huh:

This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy
prohibiting content designed to harass, bully or threaten
--- End quote ---

Dunno what google are thinking - **
I presume they were put under (a lot of?) pressure to remove this, but even so, what kind of response did they expect...

I saw the video the other day, and all he did was poke fun at this professor:
-Renegade (April 04, 2012, 11:09 PM)
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looks like you're poking fun a bit at the professor as well :p
She does seem to mostly have a fairly quirky expression, but I cant help wondering if the first pic you show is photoshopped (*not* saying you had anything to do with it if it is!)

** [edit] then again, I havent seen the video - is it on show anywhere else? [/edit]

[another_edit] here it is. I'd censor it for not being funny; for being very personal (harrassing bullying?); but I dont believe in censorship myself, &, I suppose it's besides the point - but I've seen lots worse on youtube [/another_edit]

This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy
prohibiting content designed to harass, bully or threaten
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Dunno what google are thinking - **
I presume they were put under (a lot of?) pressure to remove this, but even so, what kind of response did they expect...
-tomos (April 05, 2012, 01:50 PM)
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So, in other words, they were politically motivated to remove the video... Which is even worse. (I'm glad you pointed that out as I didn't want to, but rather leave it for someone else to notice.)

looks like you're poking fun a bit at the professor as well :p
She does seem to mostly have a fairly quirky expression, but I cant help wondering if the first pic you show is photoshopped (*not* saying you had anything to do with it if it is!)
-tomos (April 05, 2012, 01:50 PM)
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That's the thing - I didn't poke fun at her at all. I didn't need to. I merely needed to post her picture, and leave it to you to poke fun at her without any intervention from myself.

She looks crazed.

And no - that photo isn't photoshopped. That's her.

** [edit] then again, I havent seen the video - is it on show anywhere else? [/edit]

[another_edit] here it is. I'd censor it for not being funny; for being very personal (harrassing bullying?); but I dont believe in censorship myself, &, I suppose it's besides the point - but I've seen lots worse on youtube [/another_edit]
-tomos (April 05, 2012, 01:50 PM)
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Alex isn't a great comedian, and his humour is a bit over the top sometimes. So yeah, I can certainly see why some wouldn't find it very funny. He goes more for ridiculous than funny.

But still - nothing in the video warranted censorship.

If you do not believe me, here is a link with her mugshot:

Not shopped! :)


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