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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Opinions sought: should I open source Auspex?

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As some of you may know, I wrote a text expander / replacer for NANY 2011. It was a bugger to write, and it seemed to polarise opinions from certain parties  :D but it achieved its goal. Certainly I use it literally the whole time so in that respect I guess it was worth the effort, and based on feedback from a fair number people, seems to be a reasonable example of this type of app.

But! Development has stalled - I do have a list of features I'd still like to implement, however at the moment I certainly don't have the time. I think it deserves some more attention, and has plenty of potential if it were actively developed further.

The project is written in Delphi and I would open all sources except the keyboard hook which will remain available only as a dll.

What do you reckon, folks? Anyone up for wading in there?

And if so, what sort of license model would work for this? I don't want some clod lifting the source code, re-badging and selling it on.

I'm not sure what your goals are, but it seems to me that the GPL is the right way to go for what you've described.

Since you still retain copyright, you can do whatever you want, but with a GPL license for everyone else, nobody can legitimately lift it and repackage it without passing on those  same rights from the GPL.

I don't program in Delphi (hated Pascal in university), but I would probably be interested in looking at it simply for interest and to learn a bit.

Is there an existing community that will pick up development? From what I've read, you will simply spend the time stimulating the community around your project instead of developing otherwise.
Just open sourcing a project doesn't make it active.

What about giving yourself an incentive to develop it by making it a commercial product?

Is there an existing community that will pick up development? From what I've read, you will simply spend the time stimulating the community around your project instead of developing otherwise.
Just open sourcing a project doesn't make it active.

What about giving yourself an incentive to develop it by making it a commercial product?
-justice (April 05, 2012, 04:17 AM)
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This.  Or actively solicit help from other parties before you attempt to open source it.

Imteresting comments - and food for thought. Thanks all.


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