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CHS Feature Request: Clear items on request


For Clipboard Help and Spell --

Can you have a Clear Contents button or hotkey to clear both current and past

This would be great for security reasons.

That would be easy enough.

Note that you can already mostly do this -- you just right click on a group name, like "Old" or "New" and you'll get a menu option to "Delete all Clips in this group".

Note further that this will send the clips to the recycle bin, you then have to right click and say to "Empty the recycle bin" to permanently delete.

A further warning for the paranoid -- CHS keeps backup database files.  If you really want to scrub the data, you need to go delete your backup clipdata files.  They are in same general location as your main clip database files.

Would you guys want a feature that basically said "WIPE EVERYTHING" (backup database files, all clips, empty recycle bin, etc.)

Would you guys want a feature that basically said "WIPE EVERYTHING" (backup database files, all clips, empty recycle bin, etc.)
-mouser (April 03, 2012, 10:26 PM)
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Well, it might be useful - maybe "nice-to-have" rather than "highly desirable" or "mandatory", from my perspective though.
I wouldn't be likely to use it much. When I want a secure delete, I toss files in a shredder in xplorer².


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