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Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in

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Is there a way to set SC to always capture in inches?   :tellme:   I haven't been able to locate the setting.    :huh:

If it can't be set... maybe it could be added to a future update?   :D

Assuming you mean for the print dialog, yes you can.  Go to the "Print Options" tab in the options:

Thanks for your time, mouser, but printing isn't what I meant.

Sometimes I'll grab a photo of something and later, on closer inspection, I notice it has a choppy or saw-tooth look in different areas.  Before I start editing it I check the dpi amount.  This is when I see that it was captured in centimeter or inches.

The first place I looked in SC was Preferences/Image File Format but it wasn't there.  I checked all the other Preferences areas but couldn't find what I thought would apply.

If it's not an option... it's not an option.   :)    I just thought I'd ask, in case it was there, and I just didn't see it.

You can change the DPI number, but that doesnt seem to be the same thing.

Can you tell me which program you are using that is showing the images are "captured in centimeters"?

Sometimes I'll grab a photo of something and later, on closer inspection, I notice it has a choppy or saw-tooth look in different areas.  Before I start editing it I check the dpi amount.  This is when I see that it was captured in centimeter or inches.
-crabby3 (March 25, 2012, 10:28 AM)
--- End quote ---

Where/how do you check the dpi?
The dpi for the image is taken from the screen resolution information (e.g. 96 dpi here)
If that were expressed in centimetres it wouldnt change anything about the image itself.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding something? - or everything :-)

sorry, overlapped with mouser's post...


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