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No more WinPE?
The update notice from Paragon also says:
a few days ago, we informed you about the change in Microsoft’s licensing policy that no longer allows software vendors to provide WinPE media to their customers directly.
So apparently this is a general change in Microsoft's licensing policy that will affect anyone who distributes a product that includes WinPE.
I can't figure out what Microsoft hopes to gain by this, unless they are secretly trying to promote Linux as a recovery environment.
Looks like they're going to make their online WinPE Builder service available as a free local executable. :Thmbsup:
Carol Haynes:
WinPE will be the first app for sale on Metro - just $2999 - a bargain!
WinPE will be the first app for sale on Metro - just $2999 - a bargain!-Carol Haynes (March 23, 2012, 08:34 PM)
--- End quote ---
Nope, can't see the smiley and it's a few days early........
Carol Haynes:
O/T - Love the graphic ;)
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