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Group/Project oriented, web-based productivity environment?

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Still off-topic: Nice! I thought the only colors available were the ones in the drop-down menu.. Thanks!  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

Still off-topic: Nice! I thought the only colors available were the ones in the drop-down menu.. Thanks!  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:
-jgpaiva (April 03, 2006, 02:53 PM)
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I thought that WAS in the drop-down menu? It's not? Haha.. guess I just typed in "grey" at the beginning of the color tag without giving it much though.. see what happened was is that I tried one color, then decided I wanted a different one, and when that happens you can't just use the color drop-down again because it will insert a NEW tag. So I edited the tag manually instead, typing in "grey", thinking that should also be an option on the drop-down menu. Oh well. Now we know ;)

Did you look at ?
(you may have because its associated with 37 signals/basecamp)

Did you look at ?
(you may have because its associated with 37 signals/basecamp)
-tsaint (April 03, 2006, 09:20 PM)
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When one signs up for Basecamp, one gets two free writeboards inside, so we're aware. It's an excellent feature. We have the two writeboards set up already, one is "Bibliography", the other "Outline" :).

Most of the group members just have not even logged in yet because they are retarded. Working with incompetent people blows.


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