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Windows 8 is just a Service/crapware pack for Windows 7

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Who needs scammers ripping you off at that point - it will all be done officially by MS!
-Carol Haynes (March 22, 2012, 10:30 AM)
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 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I can't wait for the law suits - Apple has managed to dodge the bullet so far but MS has been sued repeatedly over competition rules and I can see it starting again but this time on speed - and I can't help feeling Apple and Google will be dragged in to because of the same levels of user extortion!
-Carol Haynes (March 22, 2012, 10:30 AM)
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What difference will it make? It still comes down to picking between Apple or Microsoft for most people. Almost like asking if you'd rather be infected with one disease over another. Apple, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, and all the other big players have effectively blocked any and all independent innovation by threatening to file patent infringement suits against anybody doing anything with computers or software. And what they won't sue you for, the patent trolls will.

If that's not enough to scare off any potential investors (thereby guaranteeing your endeavor is stillborn) they'll pull you into court and bury you under so much legal expense you won't survive long enough to even make it to trial.

And FOSS? It's only a matter of time before the entire commercial software industry hits the GNU/Linux world with meritless patent infringement and other nuisance suits from every direction at once. Because it's fairly obvious they are hell bent on killing Tux and are simply biding their time. (Wasn't it Ballmer who argued that GPL and free software was fundamentally illegal since the terms of it's licenses went against what patent and copyright laws were set up to protect? He basically equated giving software away for free with all that was immoral, anti-business, and anti-capitalist. He even went so far as to imply it was also somehow communist or socialist in its goals. Oh horror of horrors!)

About the only thing that's prevented this from happening so far is that the players are too busy fighting each other to have the time to focus on GNU/Linux. They also view Linux as a less immediate threat because they know they'll be able to crush it whenever they finally decide they need to.

And I don't expect much relief from our judicial systems. If it comes down to a choice between doing the right and moral thing under law - or protecting domestic businesses and industries from competition by ignoring or bending the law - I'm almost 100% certain which way that decision will go.

If governments the world over are willing to tolerate the most egregious human rights violations and genocides rather than give the International Court of Justice some real teeth (because such powers might someday be used against their own abuses) I don't think that ignoring antitrust and anti-competition laws is going to cost most politicos and judges any sleep.

Because if we're already turning our heads away from real and quantifiable human suffering (in the name of expediency and protecting "national sovereignty") I don't have much hope that preserving open standards and hardware platforms is going to get much thought or attention where it matters.


BTW: Is my post above an example of the sort of "going off topic" wraith808 was talking about in this thread?

If so, all I can say is "Nuts." (With apologies to Gen. Anthony McAuliffe - U.S.Army ;) .):P

I think it all comes down to selling point. Microsoft seems to have no such selling point since Windows XP. What's in windows vista? XP was the last functional and usable version and anything after that was just attempt to improve from previous versions mistake. Win 7 is likely to replace some of the XP based systems soon(or maybe it started already for many people). Forcing people to use touch based interface was surely a turn off that was the reason even canonical kept classic desktop interface (gnome-panel). You can't sell product out of hype, if you're not the original creator of that hype. I am expecting microsoft to add features that will keep the classic interface alive.

On the topic of tablets, there is no reason why one should buy windows tablets if those tablets are going to be priced at same or higher amount than linux or apple tablets, is there any?

I mean what we get in consumer tablets? We don't use it for photoshop or heavy work.
Retina Display? Not offered by any other manufacturer than apple.
Itunes or music store with songs? apps? I don't see any popular store from microsoft. Hell, even android and Nokia has no functional popular music store.
App store with DRM? Whats the point of keeping self destructive Win apps in tablet?

So if we look at these things, W8 tablets offer nothing worthy compared to Linux or Apple tablet. Let's face it, microsoft is slowly losing the market. They lost the tablet market already. They're not launching surface at cheap cost to make up for that, so why any sane mind will buy MS tablet over any other tablet?

Coming back to W8 and W7. I don't see much success for W8. I mean if we ignore the applications, there seems to be no reason to upgrade to it in future. Hell many people skipped W Vista entirely and jumped directly to W7.

I had Windows Vista for a very short period of time before downgrading to XP.  Vista annoyed the hell out of me, barely anything worked without an hours worth of fighting with it.  In the end, I upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate and then back down to Windows 7 Premium (Came with a new computer, never got around to changing back to ultimate as there seems to be no noticeable difference between the two).

I played with the preview of Win8 and was not impressed.  Felt like Aston Shell on top of Win7, but less usable, and less fun to use.  I have a hatred for anything "touch", mainly because I am heavy handed and have broken many phone screens due to this, but also because I like buttons, and without buttons, I feel lost.  The day Windows goes 100% touch screen, I'll move to linux, and when they move, I'll go to wherever can allow me to use a good old fashioned keyboard and mouse.

Touch Screen is hell, and my mom always told me never to play with fire.

Touch Screen is hell, and my mom always told me never to play with fire.
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On the touch screen point, (i know slightly off topic) I often press click on one thing and another thing opens. I have this old HTC touch based phone with Windows on it. I try to open menu and the first most program link in menu always gets clicked from me. Same is the issue with android, it's really hard to use touch based phones if you've bigger thumb. ( I don't have big fingers but still i had issues with touch displays.

Touch Screen is hell, and my mom always told me never to play with fire.
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On the touch screen point, (i know slightly off topic) I often press click on one thing and another thing opens. I have this old HTC touch based phone with Windows on it. I try to open menu and the first most program link in menu always gets clicked from me. Same is the issue with android, it's really hard to use touch based phones if you've bigger thumb. ( I don't have big fingers but still i had issues with touch displays.
-mahesh2k (March 22, 2012, 03:41 PM)
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I am also cursed with fat fingers  ;D


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