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Britannica - would you buy it on (say) Kindle or Nook?
This looks like a start of pay per content trend. I think soon, many other offline and online websites will start similar changes in their revenue models.
Hmm... I can see it now...Encyclopedia Britannica - available in Standard Western, Mideastern, Muslim, Socialist, Christian Conservative, and North Korean editions - with more to follow...
-40hz (March 15, 2012, 12:10 PM)
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All versions come on DVD, except the Christian conservative and the North Korean ones.
The Christian conservative one can fit on a CD, only 6000 years have to be covered... ;)
The North Korean one could fit on a floppy, as their previous leader invented and created everything (according to their state press and TV). :P
Well, I don't see many options to put onto the tablet.
-IainB (March 16, 2012, 10:29 AM)
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I meant the post in the conditional sense. The original title was "would you", so I inferred that this was purely hypothetical.
Well, I don't see many options to put onto the tablet.
-IainB (March 16, 2012, 10:29 AM)
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I meant the post in the conditional sense. The original title was "would you", so I inferred that this was purely hypothetical.
-Renegade (March 19, 2012, 08:32 PM)
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OK, what I meant was: IF it were a Samsung or (say) just a generic tablet, THEN I still don't see many options to put onto the tablet.
Britannica, Wikipedia...or?
Those are the only options I can think of - I don't know the market all that well.
So, you might find that you were stuck with (say) Britannica as your only real option - for an authoritative "knowledge base" or encyclopaedia - regardless of the tablet brand.(?)
You would also have the issue of whether the K-base was in a proprietary or "Open" format, and I'm pretty sure it would be proprietary for DRM control.
Well, I don't see many options to put onto the tablet.
-IainB (March 16, 2012, 10:29 AM)
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I meant the post in the conditional sense. The original title was "would you", so I inferred that this was purely hypothetical.
-Renegade (March 19, 2012, 08:32 PM)
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OK, what I meant was: IF it were a Samsung or (say) just a generic tablet, THEN I still don't see many options to put onto the tablet.
Britannica, Wikipedia...or?
Those are the only options I can think of - I don't know the market all that well.
So, you might find that you were stuck with (say) Britannica as your only real option - for an authoritative "knowledge base" or encyclopaedia - regardless of the tablet brand.(?)
You would also have the issue of whether the K-base was in a proprietary or "Open" format, and I'm pretty sure it would be proprietary for DRM control.
-IainB (March 20, 2012, 12:11 AM)
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I don't know the market for encyclopaedias very well either, but 6 of 1... No matter the brand, What I want won't change.
For the DRM stuff you mention - yeah... I can't see Britannica having an open format.
I've used proprietary, closed, uncopyable, unselectable reference materials before, and... never again. They suck. They're ok if it's for bathroom reading, but that's about it.
I like being able to select, copy, paste. If I can't do that, then I'm simply not interested. Wikipedia, even with its many horribly slanted articles, is still a better option for what I want.
A lament for WikipediaI do kind of weep inside though for Wikipedia. There are so many articles that when I read them, I just want to vomit. I know that they're biased beyond belief to the point of being so distorted that they're wrong. Not slanted, but WRONG. This is particularly evident in virtually any article where there is any kind of political controversy. But it's no surprise - all new things in science are heresy, and heretics are only good for burning. Such is the establishment... :-\
For me, Wikipedia is merely a jump point to get information, and not an endpoint.
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