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Windows 8 to offer nine versions for sale

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Carol Haynes:
Windows XP has been the single most successful OS for Microsoft. OK it took some time to be picked up by businesses.

Vista is the only operating system where I have seen the unwashed electing to upgrade to Windows 7 - it was that awful.

Windows 7 is pretty good and solid but after the Vista debacle huge numbers of businesses have simply stuck with XP. I have sourced copies of XP for business customers who want to replace windows 7 on new machines - that's the level of reluctance (however misplaced) I have seen.

I can't see any business anywhere opting to move to Windows 8 for any reason whatsoever.

Businesses are however acutely aware of security issues and the fact that XP support is coming to an end.

Either they will bite the bullet and move to Windows 7 while it is still available or they will look for an alternative. I can't see any business adopting Windows 8 if they can possibly avoid it.

Heck - I can't see many average home users wanting Windows 8 on a desktop - with or without a touch screen.

PS: My reference to mass exodus was in terms of businesses who have the potential to move to Linux or Mac - actually I think Mac is probably more likely in the long term - MS have lost the plot.

Windows XP has been the single most successful OS for Microsoft. OK it took some time to be picked up by businesses.-Carol Haynes (March 02, 2012, 06:25 PM)
--- End quote ---

Windows XP was an excellent OS, but one might argue part of its success was out of all of MS's OSes it had the longest run on retail shelves without anything coming out to replace it. Although, when its replacement arrived it was less polished than it could/should have been.

Regardless, it had 5+ years on retail shelves with nothing being marketed to replace it. That helped boost its user base considerably.


 ;D ;D



I thought you were supposed to be able to turn all that metro stuff off (for a "normal" desktop experience) ??


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