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IDEA: Drag Drop URL or Paste to save target to predefined destination

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Here's a new version. In this version I added the time at the end of the filename (in the format HH-MM-SS) to avoid duplicate filenames. If you want me to add the date also, that would be pretty easy.

Seems to work for most of the pages I have tried, though here is an example of a page where the util doesn't work, so I wonder what is causing the failure.

It apparently has something to do with the filename when saving the webpage. It happens with or without the macro. I removed part of the filename and it saved OK. I would say the filename was too long but it's within the Windows filename length limit and there are other names that I successfully saved that are longer. So I'm a bit stumped by what's wrong with the filename.

I edited the utility to allow you to edit the filename when there is an error saving.

Try the attached version with the page that didn't work:


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