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Google: Do no evil (once you're caught)

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The Florida story is a good example of how 'ordinary' people are the tools of the system and a part of the problem. The problem is people, in America in this case, love to pretend to love democracy but don't come close to practicing it. Even if all other options are questionable you can't spend dozens of election cycles switching back and forth between only 2 and then hope everything will be ok.

The Florida story is a good example of how 'ordinary' people are the tools of the system and a part of the problem. The problem is people, in America in this case, love to pretend to love democracy but don't come close to practicing it. Even if all other options are questionable you can't spend dozens of election cycles switching back and forth between only 2 and then hope everything will be ok.
-rgdot (February 21, 2012, 08:39 AM)
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The one thing about FL and the reason that it's not as big a to-do as people make of what happened there (whatever happened)... the US is not a Democracy.  It wasn't created a Democracy, and it was never intended to be a Democracy.  But most people thing it is, or pretend to Democratic principles in a framework not created for that purpose.

The 2000 vote in Florida is still being argued as if it were yesterday! Crazy!

A few completely ironic oddities about the Florida recounts:

[*]Gore was demanding a recount only of four specific counties in Florida where it was expected that a recount would greatly favor him. Fl. Secretary of State turned him down and "Certified" the results as they were reported.
[*]Gore sued for the limited recount - which Bush fought against - and the Florida Supreme ruled that the entire state would be recounted - which Gore had fought against.
[*]The US Supreme Court got the case and ruled that no recount would be done, making Bush president.
[*]In a supreme bit of irony, the Miami Herald, Washington Post, and several other news organizations actually conducted the recounts as they had been requested. The results? If only the four counties requested by Gore had been recounted Bush would have won! And had the statewide "limited" recount that was ordered by the Florida Supreme Court been done, Gore would have won by as few as 60 votes![/list]

So sometimes it is best to NOT get what you want!


Link to the Washington Post article about the "after-the-fact" recounts:

The 2000 vote in Florida is still being argued as if it were yesterday! Crazy!
-J-Mac (February 21, 2012, 01:23 PM)
--- End quote --- was a watershed event for American politics. And depending on which story you believe, and what side you come down on, it makes all the difference in the world.

And it has left a very bad taste in most people's mouths. Especially in the wake of the former Bush administration's almost unprecedented moves to expand executive privilege and disregard Constitutional checks and balances in the wake of 9/11. (Can you spell Gitmo?)

Where it will eventually lead.

So maybe the fact people are still arguing about the 2000 election is not a bad thing. We're sometimes a little too naive about the integrity of the American political process for our own good.

So maybe the fact people are still arguing about the 2000 election is not a bad thing. We're sometimes a little too naive about the integrity of the American political process for our own good.
-40hz (February 21, 2012, 02:06 PM)
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AHHHH!!  Stop 40!!  Stop making me grow up!


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