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Best Windows 7 desktop background changer?

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Mike- thanks for that. I tried Cycler but it doesn't let me change more frequently than 1 minute.

Curt- actually, I don't need a screensaver because I want the photos changing on Monitor 2 while someone is working on Monitor 1. But thanks a lot! AWC fits the bill perfectly. Awesome.

I use "John's Background Switcher" ->

It can change every 10 seconds...god help you if that isn't fast enough!

It can show the same pic on multiple monitors or different pics.  I don't use the stretching features, but they are there and there are several of them, so you should be able to find what you need.

Let us know if that works ouyt for you.


John’s Background Switcher is really impressive, being freeware.

John's Background Switcher is impressive for freeware, but the 10 second minimum is too high for my needs.

At first impression, AWC fits the bill although it looks to be unusually CPU-intensive while John's, which seems to use more RAM, barely uses the CPU at all. If I can get John to add a 5 second minimum, or a more flexible way of choosing intervals, I'd be sold.


Fast Picture Viewer in auto-advance mode can do what you want.
It's like 1 second or two per pic, like a slide show, but really fast.
Just drag it to the monitor you want it running on.
It will include all subfolders in auto-advance, and can be full screen.

You will get the full version for 30 days then it will switch to basic.
But the basic version has these options.
Right click FPV's taskbar to get the auto-advance options and more.
After you have selected the folder from the options in the menu.


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