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Waterfox has now been accepted as a Mozilla project

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I was taking a look to palemoon. Even has a portable version.
I am using waterfox portable for 64 bit, but now have problems with some addons like GroupTabManager i use intensily.
with waterfox i use the profile from Firefox, but I would like to know if i can use in the same way unde palemoon.

Best Regards

I have see this : Pale Moon profile migration tool
but i have a special installation of mozilla firewall in "portable mode". I install in the system, but the configuration, addon and profile in a data disk.
So may be this utility is not for me.
I think waterfox has this advantage of share the configuration files. But the last version v.26 don't go well - and don't warning - with Group manager


Waterfox has now been accepted as a Mozilla project

(see attachment in previous post)
-4wd (February 17, 2014, 10:56 PM)
--- End quote ---

Is it not possible anyway to share the configurations ?



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