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Who's up for a DonationCoder talk show?

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Do I get to see these notes? :P
-Stephen66515 (February 16, 2012, 07:48 PM)
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Of course, but it will spoil the surprise.  SPoiler alert:
Stephen's SPOILER notes!  Don't Look!Stephen66515

From the UK

Withdrew EasyNotes from NANY 2012 (boo!)
But made up for it with Treat Yourself Nicely (Heavily Revamped)
--programmed using .NET 4 [rant about .NET versions and stuff]

Has waited for Higgs-Boson all his life

Mobile providers in UK; many more options unlike USA. [rant about mobile carriers]

did a long mini-review Screenshot Captor
[rant about mini-reviews]
[point out that he took screenshots using SC and annoted them in an enigma, a mystery wrapped in a that Seinfeld, or Churchill...same thing]

Do I get to see these notes? :P
-Stephen66515 (February 16, 2012, 07:48 PM)
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Of course, but it will spoil the surprise.  SPoiler alert:
-superboyac (July 16, 2012, 09:26 PM)
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