Software > Ecaradec's Software
I didn't find Qatapult to handle some non-Latin text (e.g. CJK)
-ewemoa (January 29, 2012, 09:04 PM)
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I think that this is font related. The font I use is arial, and it probably doesn't handle cjk characters. I'll need to give an option to use alternate font so that it works.
Do you think using the left arrow key is a bad idea?
-ewemoa (January 30, 2012, 12:46 AM)
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No that would be actually better, because ctrl+back means precedent word or slash whereas ctrl+left or ? would mean only precedent slash and it would be coherent with the \ and right completion.
About the command object : this is very nice. I wasn't sure at first. I understand that this mean assigning a keyword on a set of multipanes selection. You can then reinvoke the command later. Do you understand it that way too ?
Hi There.
I've been playing with it for a while now and have to say i really like it. Thanks for the great tool
raw text is not available for new command right now but I'll add these for sure. I also need to add some contextual mode selection so that text commands only appear when text is available and file commands only availables when a file is selected. That's should not be a problem anyway.
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+1 for me. I think this would allow the user to extend the functionality very quickly and make it much more versatile. Ps tried this and was surprised it almost worked! although it looked up the full path of the shortcut i'd selected :)
here's a few other ideas i think would be great!
* custom icon on the file verbs.
* active HWND in the first pane for window management. I'd love to use it to max, min windows, switch to open windows, close an open window etc.
Also a little question. Do the icons for shortcuts look bad for anyone else? Maybe this is just a windows xp thing. Guess there's nothing you can do about that if it is.
I've been playing with it for a while now and have to say i really like it. Thanks for the great tool
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Thanks 8) !
I could add raw text support but I fear that I'll change the format to support the more flexible rule description as it will give the ability to create 3 pane commands (like [text, appendto, file] , etc... ). That would break all configurations done there. I have to think about this a bit before moving on.
Custom icon on file verb works. Try adding an icon with the same name as your text. This may not last forever, but this works for the moment.
I'll add the hwnd soon. There is a lot of potential for extensions there.
Yes, the icons looks bad because of Windows XP. The support for large icon began with vista, although I might add a way to override the default icons with your own. That way you could have good looking icons for your favorites apps and it would allows for themes too.
nice, just modified the websites.db to add ninjawords. Then i found i couldn't stop!
"NinjaWords","Ninja Words","","","ninjawords",""
"GoogleNews","Google News","","","googlenews",""
"BBCNews","BBC News","","","bbcnews",""
"GoogleMaps","Google Maps","","","googlemaps",""
"YouTube","You Tube","","","youtube",""
feel free to use what you want. for the pngs i just used google images (using qatapult with my new db of course) and saved the nicest look ones.
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