Software > Ecaradec's Software
Thanks for the update :)
Qatapult remembers the last files you got from the file explorer. Just time the name of that file once you used it once and it should be there.
-ecaradec (January 28, 2012, 01:56 PM)
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Nice! Got this to work.
"Current selection" pseudo object (Quicksilver call them proxy ) is now the currently selected file from the explorer (ewemoa special ). I don't have multifile support inside Qatapult, so it will only take the first file for the time being but it would be totally possible to add the whole selection.
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I was able to get a folder which was selected in Windows Explorer to open using "Current Selection" + "Open". Also tested successfully: "Current Selection" + "Explorer here" and "Current Selection" + "Cmd here".
When I tried "Current Selection" + "Properties" for a file, I expected to see the properties dialog, but I didn't see any result. Was anything supposed to happen?
Multiple file support would be nice -- especially for things like compression, computation of hashes, batch file conversion, etc.
The text moves are more complete with ctrl+back, ctrl+del, and control moves, etc..
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Thanks! I successfully tested Home, End, Ctrl+BS, Ctrl+Del, Ctrl+Left, and Ctrl+Right successfully.
On a related note, do you think eventually one will be able to select text with mouse and or keyboard?
BTW, when directory browsing (e.g. C:\Program Files in the first pane) with the results list visible, is there a recommended way to navigate up one directory level? My brain was wired to press the left arrow key, but I when I tried that, I didn't notice any change.
Found the following section in the QS Manual (Files and Folders section):
Back up a folder hierarchy by typing ← or ? (i.e., a shifted / on a US keyboard). This can backup all the way to the root directory
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I don't think I ever used ?, but used the left arrow key. What do you think?
FWIW, my tests were on Windows 7 64-bit.
I wrote a somewhat official announcement and slightly humoristic announcement of Qatapult on my blog here : .
Good spot with the properties. After a quick look I found that it's not the "current selection" that doesn't work but rather the properties command.
Selection should be a quick add for the keyboard, but the mouse would be a pain : I didn't found a good way to get the position of characters with the gdiplus lib. If someone know a way to do it I'd love that.
Multiple file support is totally on my list for the exact same kind of need you list : zipping. I'm not sure at which point I'll add them, because it's a rather large change, involving UI and changes in the way I store and release memory.
You can go up one level in the hierarchy by using ctrl+backspace right now, it will go back to the precedent space or \ like in the text edition mode. ? is a good idea but I'm not sure what I'm going to do on my azerty keyboard. I was really thinking to have \ complete the current folder, this is the reverse, I think I'll add it too. I'll probably move some keys on my keyboard ;)
The one thing that I'd really like to do now is to allow users to create custom rules from the settings. Rules are the internal way I store the various arguments and available command of items. The current idea I have is to allows the writing of description of that form (3 examples ) :
rule=FILE,"zip to",FILE
rulecmd=zip %p0 %p2
rule=FILE,"zip here"
rulecmd=zip %p0
rule=TEXT,"append to",FILE
rulecmd=appendtext "%t0" "%p2"
That should open a lot more possibility.
I'd also like to give rules special background : a google look when you search google, an amazon look for amazon, but this is more for the fun...
I hope to respond to your most recent post soon.
Just a quick note -- I didn't find Qatapult to handle some non-Latin text (e.g. CJK). Specifically, pasting of such text in the first pane showed garbled results:
Not sure how to phrase this appropriately -- perhaps it is Unicode-related?
Selection should be a quick add for the keyboard, but the mouse would be a pain : I didn't found a good way to get the position of characters with the gdiplus lib. If someone know a way to do it I'd love that.
-ecaradec (January 29, 2012, 07:31 AM)
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Sorry, I have no idea.
You can go up one level in the hierarchy by using ctrl+backspace right now, it will go back to the precedent space or \ like in the text edition mode. ? is a good idea but I'm not sure what I'm going to do on my azerty keyboard. I was really thinking to have \ complete the current folder, this is the reverse, I think I'll add it too. I'll probably move some keys on my keyboard ;)
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Thanks for the tip -- Ctrl+BS worked here.
Do you think using the left arrow key is a bad idea?
The one thing that I'd really like to do now is to allow users to create custom rules from the settings. Rules are the internal way I store the various arguments and available command of items.
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The general idea sounds nice :)
On a related note, may be you've seen the following already -- the QS Manual has a section that begins:
Command Objects and Droplets
Commands in Quicksilver can be represented as objects in Quicksilver. To create a command object, activate Quicksilver and enter a command as you normally do, but instead of typing return to execute it, instead type ⌃-return. You’ll see a new command window appear in which the object is a new command object of the command you entered and a default action which is probably Run.
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The section continues with information about functionality for scheduling commands and other bits including the saving of commands to a file.
I'd also like to give rules special background : a google look when you search google, an amazon look for amazon, but this is more for the fun...
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Mmm, sounds good!
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