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NANY 2012 Mugs, etc. -- All participants please read in

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I still like Finalist best.-mouser (January 06, 2012, 02:26 PM)
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Doesn't finalist by definition imply a yet to be selected winner? It sounds unfinished.
-Stoic Joker (January 06, 2012, 02:45 PM)
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Agreed.  I like Contributing Developer best, Developer second, and Contributor third.

Contributing Developer
-wraith808 (January 06, 2012, 02:56 PM)
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+1 :up:

I don't think there's anything wrong with calling us winners. I don't see how it is much different from NaNoWriMo, an event where you have one month to write 50,000 words, and anybody who succeeds in the challenge is considered a winner.

NANY is an event where you have until New Year's Eve to submit an application, and anybody who succeeds in that challenge is considered a winner.

That said, looking at my previous two NANY mugs (from '09 and '10) it seems that they don't make any mention of the fact that I was a participant or a winner or a completionist or anything like that. Perhaps this entire problem could be resolved if this year's mug followed the same trent.

I like "winner" and "contributor" best :)

That said, looking at my previous two NANY mugs (from '09 and '10) it seems that they don't make any mention of the fact that I was a participant or a winner or a completionist or anything like that.
-Deozaan (January 06, 2012, 03:18 PM)
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Also, this :P

Stoic Joker:
That said, looking at my previous two NANY mugs (from '09 and '10) it seems that they don't make any mention of the fact that I was a participant or a winner or a completionist or anything like that. Perhaps this entire problem could be resolved if this year's mug followed the same trend.-Deozaan (January 06, 2012, 03:18 PM)
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+1 - I'm good with that. It is, what it is, 'cause it are ... No explanation is required. ;)


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