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NANY 2012 Mugs, etc. -- All participants please read in

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My mug and DC thong arrived today - I'll take a photo the next time we get some daylight here!

My mug and DC thong arrived today - I'll take a photo the next time we get some daylight here!
-timns (January 25, 2012, 10:17 PM)
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It's such a pity about your speech impediment! Are you going to thing the DC thong?

Yes, I shall sing it to the tune of "Air on a G-String"

My mug and DC thong arrived today - I'll take a photo the next time we get some daylight here!
-timns (January 25, 2012, 10:17 PM)
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It's such a pity about your speech impediment! Are you going to thing the DC thong?
-cranioscopical (January 25, 2012, 10:56 PM)
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Ever consider... maybe it's not a speech impediment?  And he... gulp... meant what he said?  Throws a whole new light on that picture...

My mug and DC thong arrived today - I'll take a photo the next time we get some daylight here!
-timns (January 25, 2012, 10:17 PM)
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It's such a pity about your speech impediment! Are you going to thing the DC thong?
-cranioscopical (January 25, 2012, 10:56 PM)
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Ever consider... maybe it's not a speech impediment?  And he... gulp... meant what he said?  Throws a whole new light on that picture...
-wraith808 (January 25, 2012, 11:17 PM)
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could send dc in a whole new direction...


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