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News and Reviews > Best E-mail Client

E-mail client recommendations

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I have to ask, but what are some decent email clients available right now? I have been using thunderbird for years but have always felt something was missing. The Bat is stuck in the 20th century and feels unfinished in many ways. What does everyone recommend? Perhaps a shoot-out of current email clients would make for a great follow-up to this email client round-up?

I have to ask, but what are some decent email clients available right now? I have been using thunderbird for years but have always felt something was missing. The Bat is stuck in the 20th century and feels unfinished in many ways. What does everyone recommend? Perhaps a shoot-out of current email clients would make for a great follow-up to this email client round-up?
-Josh (December 28, 2011, 10:28 AM)
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Oh man...if you find anything, I would be totally interested.  Several years ago, I moved from Pegasus to the Bat.  The Bat is great for multiple accounts, so much better than anything else I've seen.  It's very powerful, but all that power is almost useless because there is absolutely zero documentation for any of those powerful features.  So it's powerful, but good luck figuring anything out.  There are also a few quirks about that really rub me the wrong way, especially with the Microed editor.

Anyway, I'd be interested, I'll keep my eye out as well.

Josh - I recommend InScribe or its free, but limited to one account, sister iScribe.

I've been using it for many years, it has rarely caused problems and fits all my needs. It's not perhaps the most sophisticated of clients and does have some rather quirky sides to it (the database for instance) - but I reckon it's great. My mail store is over 650 mbs but is accessible in seconds.

One of its major advantages is the Preview window (checking mail on the server) which is missing in many, even  well known, email clients.

It goes without saying that I have tried and tested pretty well all the clients out there.

I've used Becky for nearly a decade now.  I absolutely LOVE the way it handles multiple accounts.

One of the longest-serving and free email clients is Pegasus.
It can be as sophisticated as you want - very comprehensive settings and features.
My experience of using it over the years (since 1997 at least) has been that it is an ace email client, and it was always being kept updated (the technology) so as to keep it in the vanguard. I still have it, but have little need to use it nowadays.


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