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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

adding tab support to apps that dont have it

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Write the author of the program and request the feature you want.

Paul Keith:
so far, I found Window tabifier to do excellent job

but the main drawback is that it does not tabify windows of a specific program automatically, I have to choose the windows and tabify them manually

is there any solution to this?
-kalos (December 25, 2011, 04:55 AM)
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I don't know. When I tried the program it seems to have replaced my Firefox with a FoldForm tab that doesn't show anything.

Windows already enforces the one app per window-steeladept (December 24, 2011, 03:52 PM)
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Umm, what?

Not sure if this helps, but from my experience with develping GridMove in Win7, windows enforces a strict per-app partitioning, and GridMove is unable to access other process's windows unless it is running with elevated privileges.
I'd say this is the kind of think that even if it exists, it would become deprecated fast as I believe Windows is moving fast  in the direction of having all apps running in user space.


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