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AHK_L / PHP Encryption


I'm trying to encrypt a string POSTed to a webpage and decrypt it with a PHP script.  Has anyone done this with AHK and can share the code, as the pointers on the AHK forums I have found so far create hashes that are incompatible with PHP, and therefore cannot be decrypted unless I reiplement the encryption/decryption in one of the languages.

Any algorithm will be better than nothing. :) I must have tried over a dozen implementations but any that use Microsoft's cryptographic libraries produce different hashes than PHP implementations.

I must have tried over a dozen implementations but any that use Microsoft's cryptographic libraries produce different hashes than PHP implementations.-justice (December 20, 2011, 06:11 AM)
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Then you're doing something wrong - standards are standards.

What are you trying to encrypt, how are you trying to encrypt it, and... WHY? Doing something like this with symmetric encryption is likely going to be pretty useless.


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