Software > Find And Run Robot
auto adding to group alias feature
When I say auto adding to group alias I mean if the files are all in one folder like
I have a group alias called simply txt
In the results section I have added the paths to the txt files
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\todo note.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\fartips.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\workings.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\HotKeys in use.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\web clippings.txt
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\todolist.lnk
D:\PROGRAM FILES\PORTABLE APPS IN HERE\FindAndRunRobotnew\my notes\Thoughts.txt
they are all in the same folder called mynotes
every time I add a new text file to the folder I have to manually open options and add the path to them to the group alias.
It would be great if this wasn't necessary
I can show you one way to speed it up quite a bit at least.
TO add a new item to an alias, simply get the file listed in the results, and then right-click on it and say add to alias.
But you know an easier way to do what you want is to create a new search folder entry specifying the folder:
And set it to use MODIFIER: txt
now when you type +txt it will ONLY show/search files in that directory.
adding my 2 cents to mouser's answer
you can even use the dosearch command to create an alias using the +txt MODIFIER
Alias Trigger Text : txt
Regular Expression Pattern : ^txt (.*)
Results : txt $$1 | dosearch +txt $$1
This is not just to remove the + sign you can add other modifiers like for example one to open your text files in another editor than the default one, or restrict the search to txt files with some prefix....
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