News and Reviews > Best Dialog Extender
set focus in "file name" control?
I tried every compatibility mode back to Windows 95. No difference.
Is it possible to write a macro in AHK, AutoIt, PowerPro or something, that will watch for the appropriate window, and put the cursor in the right location whenever it first appears?
Well, like everything in computers "it's easy -- after you know how".
Of the three scripting suggestions, I chose AutoIt at random. It took me about a day to learn enough to write the few lines of code I needed. Here it is, with all my debugging comments still in. I just start it in the background, and then kill the process after I'm done scanning; or leave it running till next time.
--- Code: Text ---While 1 $handle = WinWaitActive("Save As", "File &name:") ; listen for Save As dialog; MsgBox(0, "Event", "Save As window active") If (WinExists("HP Precisionscan Pro") = 1) Then ; is the parent app running? ; assure the app is indeed the parent of this Save As dialog $HPPsPHandle = WinGetHandle("HP Precisionscan Pro"); msgbox(0,"PS handle", $HPPsPHandle) $result = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetParent", "hwnd", $handle); msgbox(0,"Result0",$result[0]); msgbox(0,"Result1",$result[1]) ; parent handle is in hex, and result in decimal, but equality works If ($result[0] = $HPPsPHandle) Then; msgbox (0,"OK", "They match") Send("!n") ; send Alt-n to set focus to File Name control EndIf EndIf ; wiat till the dialog closes, so as not to re-fire WinWaitClose($handle)WEnd
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