News and Reviews > Best Dialog Extender
How to stop pulling my hair over "Recent Folders" never working system-wide?
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I just found out that Direct Folders DOES IT :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:
It even shows any folder that has previously just only been DISPLAYED in Dopus in the "Recent" menu, in any Open/Save dialog, on middle click :Thmbsup:
In the Pro version, that is....
However it will be such a relief to paaaayyyy them $$$$$$$ for their pro version !
FlashFolder has this feature but it only supports windows explorer and total commander plus it's not being actively developed. however i use it daily and haven't run into any problems.
outside the realms of file dialog extenders, you might be interested in RecentX.
-lanux128 (September 30, 2010, 06:04 AM)
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Did FlashFolder work with Win7 64bit? Thx
Did FlashFolder work with Win7 64bit? Thx-Kuntau (December 04, 2010, 09:02 PM)
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it doesn't work on Win 7 at all. the author has moved on, it seems.. the last update was in March, 2008. :(
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