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Apple, I hate you (again) and the web design community too
Safari is the last browser I test web sites on. I don't use Macs, I'll only touch one if I really have to. So I've been trying several methods to avoid using a real bit of Apple hardware if I think I can get away with a simulator of some sort. But none of these simulators work 100% so I've finally accepted I need to use real Apple hardware.
So, I bought a cheap Mini Mac with Lion installed. This allowed me to download and install Apple's Xcode developer crap which comes with iPad and iPhone simulators. I thought it worth the cost as this was guaranteed to work perfectly - it's all Apple hardware and software and Xcode is designed for developing Apple apps. It has got to work.
But it doesn't. It is totally pathetic. The simulators are not 100% accurate. Which, to me, means they are a bad joke. I suppose I should expect this kind of thing from the messiahs of marketing manipulation.
What I don't like is that I've been searching for hours for people discussing this problem and I can only find two posts throughout Google - both of the them by the same person. It appears that the whole web design community is oblivious to how bad things are, well, all except the other guy and me.
I'm now going to be forced to use a real hardware iPad and a real hardware Mac and a real hardware iPhone (which I'll have to buy) just so I can test for the occasional "bug" in Safari's rendering of web pages.
Thanks Apple. Thanks for being absolutely, totally, rubbish. (I'll forgive the web design/development community as they are mostly Apple fan-boys anyway, i.e. already completely deluded.)
If it doesn't work on Safari - Screw em...As long as it works in FF, Chrome, IE and Opera, nobody really cares. Make them use a real browser instead of spending a fortune on closed-source systems.
Stoic Joker:
If it doesn't work on Safari - Screw em...As long as it works in FF, Chrome, IE and Opera, nobody really cares. Make them use a real browser instead of spending a fortune on closed-source systems.-Stephen66515 (December 16, 2011, 02:03 PM)
--- End quote ---
Much as I hate all things Apple, I must disagree. Just because someone is using an iPad doesn't mean they are not going to want to goto/shop at your website. Apples native environment is/uses/requires Safari. So if you want to get money from the Apple folk (assuming the poor bastards have any left...) or just repeat visitors you gotta test to make sure your site will display properly on an Apple...with Safari (operated by a drunkin crackhead).
Last time I checked Safari on an Apple only supported about 6 if the new for HTML5 options. Oddly enough Safari on Windows supports all of them. Probably because Apple is to chickenshit to do any real testing on their own OS for fear of looking un-perfect.
P.S. I'm drunk... :D
Safari, I don't even try to test. Opera is great and all but many elements render differently than all other browsers but I won't try fixes nevermind for Safari.
@nudone - My sympathies. :( Such are the frustrations when you're not drinking the kewlaid. :(
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