Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts
Listary Pro for $9.95 on 17 December
Nice find! I love tools like this. I'd like to see how it compares to my current favorite, Direct Folders.
Shoot, missed this. I'll have to check it out after the holidays.
Nice find! I love tools like this. I'd like to see how it compares to my current favorite, Direct Folders.
-superboyac (December 18, 2011, 06:17 PM)
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I'm now using both: DF I think is marginally the better product but that might just be because I'm more used to it. Listary is, if anything, even less obtrusive than DF but it has at least one major advantage for me: it'll run portably and the Pro license lets me use it at work in that mode.
I've been using FileBX on my work machine but am under pressure (from the standardisation dweebs) to uninstall it; Listary gives me most of the stuff I use (although I like and will miss FileBX's ability automagically to push a file listing in a dialog into details mode, autosize the columns and sort it for me by date. FBX doesn't work well under anything later than XP and is no longer under development, though.)
Odd: I first tried Listary when PortableApps made a wrapper for it; tried it, couldn't get on with it, gave up. I must not have been persistent enough; it does actually deliver a lot of useful stuff.
@Oblivion; are you using FileBox eXtender version 2.01?
It was updated February 2011 and is working well on my Vista 32-bits
-and is the reason I haven't installed my copy of Listary Pro ;-)
@Oblivion; are you using FileBox eXtender version 2.01? -Curt (December 23, 2011, 11:05 AM)
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Hm. The version I have on my work (XP) box is that but I suspect from what you say that the version I tried at home and that failed to work as it should may have been older. And if it's as recent as last February, it looks like my impression it had been abandoned may also be wrong.
Hmf. Oh well... :)
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