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[Withdrawn] NANY 2012: EasyNotes (Beta)

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He'd have to say for sure, but it's probably non-printable non-plain-text characters that aren't in the default character table.  They show up as boxes when pasted to plain text.
-wraith808 (December 15, 2011, 12:11 PM)
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Yes, I think you're right - (Another thing Notepad won't do!!)

Quick guess is that they're not text characters of any kind, but hard carriage returns or something, more like command codes. So get this, when I open up the offending file in Notepad, they're boxes, but if I open it in Wordpad (as text) and resave it (as text), they're all fixed.

It would be neat if this app meant I could skip that too... I might have to beg and plead for the menubar so I can switch! :)
-TaoPhoenix (December 15, 2011, 12:27 PM)
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Could you possibly try recreate the carrage return thing in EasyPad for me so I know if I need to fix this? :P

Im on a mission adding everything else, so you may just get a menu bar in the next few builds!  :D


* [Feature] E-Mail Backup on Application Exit

* [Feature] E-Mail Backup on Prompt

* [Feature] Toggleable Top Menu

* [Fix] Few minor bug fixes

Yay the menu bar is there!

There seem to be some bugs in the toggles though.

It gets stuck on some of the commands, so "close menu bar" toggles BOTH on and off, "Allow Window Move" and "Show Window Frame" seem to be both the same type of feature and then they toggle each other on and off etc.

Heh oops - "Open" doesn't work for me at all!

Even "Open With" just gives me a blank app.

I found/made a test case for the "unknown character" part. Heh - but I can't open it in EasyNotes!: )


Not able to open anything either. Using Crtl+O or via the menu. Worked ok in the 1st version.

Yay the menu bar is there!

There seem to be some bugs in the toggles though.

It gets stuck on some of the commands, so "close menu bar" toggles BOTH on and off, "Allow Window Move" and "Show Window Frame" seem to be both the same type of feature and then they toggle each other on and off etc.

Heh oops - "Open" doesn't work for me at all!

Even "Open With" just gives me a blank app.

I found/made a test case for the "unknown character" part. Heh - but I can't open it in EasyNotes!: Not able to open anything either. Using Crtl+O or via the menu. Worked ok in the 1st version.

-bob99 (December 16, 2011, 07:52 AM)
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-TaoPhoenix (December 16, 2011, 04:59 AM)
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OK guys, I think I know whats causing this, give me about an hour or so and I will resolve the issue and upload the fix :)


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