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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

CLCL Clipboard Manager - Keep more than one item and this for longer

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There is an start to translate the documentation of CLCL to English.
If you are curios or want to code an plugin or just wanna help ... point your browser to
-AbteriX (May 11, 2007, 09:05 AM)
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Why would they be apparently treating CLCL as a Total Commander plug-in?

You have to be 1. Registered user since it was called Windows Commander and 2. TC freak to understand. Two great timesaving, "productivity" increasing ideas meet and they must marry, that is their instinct - may be something good will come out of it :) I cant really see it happening though. Something like a mini virtual folder based on copied files/folders? I think better to spank author for not implementing that very much wanted feature in core already.

They don't want code an TC plugin but improve CLCL since nakka doesn't have interest to do this.
With "plugins" they mean CLCL plugins.

And... there is already an Clipboard plugin for TC ==>

Thanks rjbull, i use already Horsts tools, PopSel and MemPad also.

You have to be 1. Registered user since it was called Windows Commander and 2. TC freak to understand.
-dk70 (May 13, 2007, 02:51 PM)
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I'm 1.  But evidently not 2.   ;)

With "plugins" they mean CLCL plugins.
-AbteriX (May 13, 2007, 03:00 PM)
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Thanks!  That makes more sense.

And... there is already an Clipboard plugin for TC ==>

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i use already Horsts tools, PopSel and MemPad also.

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Make sure you look at the new beta (b6) of MemPad; it's a big step forward.


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