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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

CLCL Clipboard Manager - Keep more than one item and this for longer

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Please, does CLCL have a feature to repair the clipboard chain, like CHS, ArsClip and Clipmagic do?-rjbull (April 19, 2007, 04:51 AM)
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> to repair the clipboard chain
?  :'(  sorry, what is this?
I had never smtg to repair with the cb, though  :)

Do you use CLCL and didn't find this feature .... or do you wanna ask me to look for you at my copy?

How can I help you?

Clipboard Chain - Tech details
When a program joins the clipboard chain, it joins at the front of the list and is responsible for sending the information down to the next program in the chain. When a program leaves, it is responsible for identifying itself and the next person in the chain before exiting. This is point [leaving] where it sounds like it is failing.

rjbull, i don't have this problem with CLCL, maybe the feature is already built-in but you can check with the author.. here is the email: nakka at nakka dot com

Thanks Abterix, lanux128;

I haven't tried CLCL, but I've seen this feature and been glad of it in other clipboard enhancers.  In other words, I probably wouldn't try CLCL if it didn't have such a feature, although I have to add the results are a bit hit and miss, especially on my Win98SE laptop.  If "Repair clipboard chain" doesn't appear on any CLCL menus, I'd guess it wasn't present.

I used CLCL for almost 2 years till it no longer met my needs. As a rule, I do not depend on tools that are no longer developed or the developer is not responsive. If you like CLCL, I thinkg you will certainly be interested to examine these 2 fine products. First is Ditto-cp which is still in active development and Scott is pretty responsive. Second is ArsClip. Again, a fine and good product.

For Ditto go to
and ArsClip go to

Sorry, use this link for Ditto


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