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Rootkits on mobile devices ...

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Carol Haynes:
Banks don't apparently care much about security at all - a couple of years ago my bank called me on a Saturday afternoon to query a potential fruadulant card transaction.

Fair enough you might say but the conversation went something like this:

Caller: Hello this is HSBC fraud team querying unusal activity on your account
Me: Really - OK
Caller: Can you please confirm your credit card number
Me: Why don't you know who you are calling?
Caller: You need to confirm you are the card holder. Please confirm your card number
Me: How do I know you are HSBC - you could be anyone

and so it went on for about 20 minutes.

In the end I hung up and called the fraud department directly and thoroughly enjoyed yelling at them about the warnings they constantly distribute about phishing scams!

I don't know whether I had anything to do with it but their whole approach is now different with this kind of call.


Why am I unphased?

And in related news, apparently 1% of people are completely retarded, while 2% are partially, and somehow 1% have simply vanished from reality all together...

1% have simply vanished from reality all together...
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The only way to be immune these days.  :P

Stoic Joker:
apparently 1% of people are completely retarded-Renegade (December 02, 2011, 12:11 AM)
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Only 1%? That's either a vast improvement for society in general, or an obvious flaw in the test. The missing 1% is probably just the rage clickers that suffer from premature submission...before a choice is made.

apparently 1% of people are completely retarded-Renegade (December 02, 2011, 12:11 AM)
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Only 1%? That's either a vast improvement for society in general, or an obvious flaw in the test. The missing 1% is probably just the rage clickers that suffer from premature submission...before a choice is made.
-Stoic Joker (December 02, 2011, 07:34 AM)
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Yeah, seemed a bit low to me too. ;D


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