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P-FANCI: Petition For A New Cody Image! POST HERE!!

<< < (11/12) > >>

Everything will be explained on Thursday the 5th of January, 2012...



-mouser (January 04, 2012, 03:15 AM)
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Oops, I forgot to include the quote I was replying to:

Does this mean they predicted that nobody would donate to DC in 2012? Cry Is that why the calendar ends that year?
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"and the men are superstitious -- they insist that the bird must be paid or time will end."-mouser (December 24, 2011, 11:54 AM)
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Does this mean they predicted that nobody would donate to DC in 2012? :'( Is that why the calendar ends that year?
-Deozaan (December 29, 2011, 08:01 PM)
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Ok folks, you can all relax:

Sorry for the post of my own site, but I shot from the hip when I first replied to this comment, and then mouser called me out on it  :-[

hahahahahah  ;D
god i love those two birds.


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