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lightweight software for organizing notes offline? [Stickies, StickySorter]
Wow! :-* Thanks to all of you for this wealth of information.
StickySorter ( impressed me because of the flexibility. In a way it could be used as a *GTD approach* when you use groups of stickies as lists, each sticky becoming a task on that 'list'. (I love when software comes with a nice video, like on "the many ways you can capture, organize, and display your notes with Sticky Sorter")
Memo ( looks interesting too as a minimalistic alternative, will try it too.
Stickies ( is free too, and according to the screenshots at it has an option to send stickies to sleep for a period of time, which would be helpful for me.
Both Samurize and Notezilla seem to be 'too big' for my current needs, and todo.txt doesn't resonate for some reason.
@brotherS: Just to emphasise: Samurize is not a note/text tool - it's just a system that lets you build obects onto your desktop.
Why I liked it was because I could get my dead simple ToDo.txt file displayed dynamically on the desktop, along with some interesting widgets (e.g., CPU and HDD temps.). Change the ToDo.txt file, the desktop text changes too.
I didn't know about the AHK Memo that @Winkie mentioned. That looks quite good - but according to the notes it may be obsolete or has been superseded. In any event, its text task file could probably be what you could have embedded in a Samurize-controlled desktop.
Let us know what you end up using please. I'd be interested.
I ended up with Stickies. Really positively surprised me... what a great little program! I love to be able to put some stickies to sleep for a day or two. Very neat how many little things have been taken care of to enhance the user's experience.
I understood what Samurize is about, I just have no need for widgets. :)
Stickies is so cool! :up:
You can add skins, and there are hundreds to pick from! Wow. For now I added the "H12B Stickies" skin from Cynthia Grantz:
Also, I saw that there's an old ClifNotes review of the 2008 Stickies.
Cinta Notes could be useful too.
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