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lightweight software for organizing notes offline? [Stickies, StickySorter]

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As far as the visibility goes how about Stickies?

Just edited/added a note about Stickies to the bottom of my picture-post above.

Yep very true, simple text files. In that sense you could maybe play with todo.txt too.

Notes all over the desktop works for some people, and any really good sticky note app will do that, but what I find useful is one that will remind me to actually read the notes, and includes some way for me to make some notes always visible on the desktop, while others are hidden away on memo boards organized in a nice tree structure.

Notezilla is the perfect app for that, for me. I get the best of all worlds with it. There is no shortage of features and is adaptable to many styles of note taking. (there is also a very generous discount for DC members)

+1 for Notezilla from me.     :Thmbsup:

Interesting item here: Why You Should Set Up Your To-Do List in a Plain Text File (and How to Do It)


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