Software > N.A.N.Y. 2012
NANY 2012 Release: Flipside
Can you re-upload and check your zip file -- the one you uploaded has errors in it.
My system's unzipping doesn't seem to unzip all of the content, though using 7-Zip seems to yield more results...
I just downloaded the currently uploaded file and it unzipped and ran fine here. :huh:
I created the archive with 7-Zip 9.20 and that's what I'm using to unzip it.
I just created a new archive using a different (worse) compression method which I've just uploaded.
Thanks to feedback from mouser I've created a "how to play.txt" and included it with the new zip file.
I embedded the YouTube Screencast into the original topic and also added this important part about combat that I neglected to mention:
It should also be noted that units benefit from being on the same colored squares and are weakened when standing on opposite colored squares. So a light knight standing on a light square will do more damage and take less damage than a light knight standing on a dark square.
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