* Edit this file and copy it as userContent.css into your
* profile-directory/chrome/
* This file can be used to apply a style to all web pages you view
* Rules without !important are overruled by author rules if the
* author sets any. Rules with !important overrule author rules.
* example: turn off "blink" element blinking
* blink { text-decoration: none ! important; }
* example: give all tables a 2px border
* table { border: 2px solid; }
* example: turn off "marquee" element
* marquee { -moz-binding: none; }
* For more examples see
http://www.mozilla.o...nix/customizing.html */
/* BEGIN Google ad tweaks */
@-moz-document domain("google.com"){
border:5px solid red !important;
border:5px solid red !important;
border:5px solid red !important;
/* END Google ad tweaks */