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IDEA: Stalled Printer
I don't know if it will solve the problem-when next it happens. I cleared the problem by going into registry. BTW-I've tried that app sent by nogojoe in the past, and it did NOT work. Here's hoping it was updated, and will work when needed.
Stoic Joker:
I don't know if it will solve the problem-when next it happens. I cleared the problem by going into registry. BTW-I've tried that app sent by nogojoe in the past, and it did NOT work. Here's hoping it was updated, and will work when needed.-tosim (November 04, 2011, 08:39 PM)
--- End quote ---
(For the sake of clarity) I'm the network administrator for a company that specializes in printers, print management, networking, etc.. So I have (a bit) more than just a passing interst in topics such as this.
The registry fixes I've seen for this type of issue generally deal with clean up/removal of unused print drivers and/or (the much more problematic) driver fragments that get left for the spooler to load (and trip over). If that was the route you took it's quite likely it did actually resolve the issue. It's something we have to do frequently on the service tech machines when they get past the tipping point of drivers that have been installed for testing customer printers.
So if you did take the above route, and it resolved the issue, that's a good thing ... But the initial app requested still could be worth investigating/doing for the odd times when something (web pages, large .PDFs, etc.) gets dropped into the spool sideways and gums-up-the-works.
Just a thought,
Stoic Joker
Thanks for your input. I just downloaded the apps linked to by PhilB66. When next the printer stalls I will try them out and report back here as to whether they worked for me. Again, I thank all for the assistance.
Try this. Works great on my Win7 64-bit system.
Hey kyrathaba-I will try it, when next I get the problem, thanks.
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