News and Reviews > Best E-mail Client
TheBat Toolbars
by the way, the new toolbar system in thebat is new and still be worked on, so you're probably experiencing some bugs they haven't worked out yet but which will probably be fixed in upcoming releases. they have been working on adding customization and skins and different button sizes, and they havent gotten it perfected yet.
i also hope the fix the visual annoyance of toolbars not extending fully to the right. it's not a functional issue but it does annoy me aesthetically.. i suspect they will do so.
I gotta agree their toolbars drive me Batty! Mine reset infrequently too, plus I couldn't get the icons to shrink down in size. It's such a waste of email space to have these big honkin icons and no easy way to micro-size them. Seemed like a speedy client, and I would have done a longer trial but i can't even import mail from Thunderbird, as far as I can see. That along with the toolbars led me to uninstall already. :( I liked pocomail better, it imported my thunderbird mail fast too! But the quirky interface left me to uninstall that too. Back to Thunderbird I guess.
not trying to cheerlead for thebat but..
it's interesting that i usually HATE and i mean HATE big icons buttons.
but strangely when i tried small icons for thebat, i quickly went screaming back for my big buttons -
i'm not sure exactly why, maybe i just got used to them.. but i think maybe it was just that i only use a few buttons when working with mail, send, reply, forward, queu, etc., and the big icons make it less likely i'll make a mistake.
also because i have the accounts listed as a full height left sidebar, and my toolbar is to the right of it (,
i really have lots of spare space on the right hand side so i don't feel like im wasting space i need.
How did you get the small icons to show up on the toolbar? I tried downloading some .png & xml file on their website and put it in my directory, but it didnt change anything.
Choose toolbar to change from 'Select Container' dropdown (top left)
for small choose 'Menu Icons' in drop down bottom right or for big choose 'Toolbar' icons
It's a bit buggy so if your selection won't stick, drag the toolbar off of The bat!, try again and drag it back on.
Also if your positioning won't stick, postion them one at a time and shutdown when positioned using 'Message', 'Exit'. Rinse & repeat, That will eventually work. Once it works you can close however you want.
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