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Firefox 7 is out

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Carol Haynes:
Strange it downloaded and installed fine for me??

The simplest alternative it to open the page about:config in FF7 and add the following boolean value:


and set it to false

Just right click on the about:config page and select New > Boolean

Once you have the new value and set it to false restart firefox and you can enable and disable addons as you want.

Thanks very much, Carol!  Your instructions worked perfectly.  I've now got Linkman Fox working on FF7.  But this just makes me more annoyed at Firefox for making such an unreliable and needlessly cumbersome way of handling add-ons when Firefox changes its version.

Carol Haynes:
There wouldn't have been a problem if the rlease had been labelled 6.0.3 instead of 7 (which is what it should have been)

Carol, you may well be right, but it turns out that Linkman Fox may indeed not be fully compatible with FF7.  I thought all was well at first, but when I tried to delete a bookmark in Linkman, the program hung.  This happened several times.  So I think there may well be some changes needed in the Linkman Fox add-on.  Since I'm much more dependent on Linkman than on Firefox 7, I think I'll use the restore point I had set to go back to 6.0.2 and wait for the Linkman folks to produce a thoroughly compatible add-on.  Still, I'm very pleased with the instructions you provided.  With Firefox's proposed schedule of new versions, I suspect I'll have good use for those instructions.

Well, I may have pointed the finger at the wrong problem.  I went back to Firefox 6.0.2 and tried the same thing (deleting a listing in Linkman) that hadn't worked in FF7.  Turns out I ran into the same problem in 6.0.2!  Hmmm...guess it's time to contact Linkman. 


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