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Firefox 7 is out

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Also, Acid3 is 100/100 points now.  ;D But seriously, who cares?
-Tuxman (September 28, 2011, 07:39 PM)
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Especially since web developers build web pages to work with browsers - not Acid3.
Which is why I still have to use IETab to display a whole bunch of webpages that just does not render correctly in anything but IE

Hmmm...late yesterday I was unable to update.  I was told that 6.0.2 was the most recent version.  This morning, I'm able to update, but FF claims that the Linkman Fox extension won't work.  Though I suppose I could download the add-on Carol mentioned earlier and try to deal with the issue that way, I'm puzzled that Linkman Fox (the add-on for FF) supposedly doesn't work.  And I'm somewhat bothered that FF is making add-on developers jump through hoops every few weeks.

Carol Haynes:
Generally it is nothing to do with extensions working or not working - the add-on has an XML file which stores the supported versions of FF. I have yet to find an addon I was using in FF3 that doesn't still work even though the versions numbers are out of date. Just install the addon I suggested above - try it and see if it works. If it doesn't you report that it doesn't and then it will be automatically disabled.

Generally it is nothing to do with extensions working or not working - the add-on has an XML file which stores the supported versions of FF. I have yet to find an addon I was using in FF3 that doesn't still work even though the versions numbers are out of date. Just install the addon I suggested above - try it and see if it works. If it doesn't you report that it doesn't and then it will be automatically disabled.
-Carol Haynes (September 29, 2011, 10:28 AM)
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Carol, I first tried to download the add-on you recommended while I still had 6.0.2, but I got an error message that said "The add-on from could not be installed because it does not match the add-on Firefox expected."  So I then installed FF 7 and tried again to download the add-on.  This time, the error message said "The add-on could not be installed because of a connection failure on"  So I've got Firefox 7 with no Linkman add-on.  Fortunately, I set a restore point before I started, so if the problem doesn't resolve itself quickly, I think I'll use the restore point to go back to FF 6.0.2.

@40hz: Yep - precisely. :)


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