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Toggle Touch Screen

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I am using a ThinkPad x220 Tablet with Windows 7 at my school. It has a touch screen which has some usefulness, but often it is an annoyance when I use the stylus for input. Hand touches just mess up the screen when I'm trying to write with the stylus.

There is a control panel control item to turn it off, but I was wondering if someone might create an AHK script to access that function and turn it into a tray item and a hotkey to toggle the touch screen and make it easy to use it as I want, when I want.

I have a lot of friends who would also find this useful and appreciate it.

This might be a rather silly question, (not having a tablet I'm allowed at least one though), but if you turn off the touch screen how is the stylus going to work?

Doesn't it rely on the touch screen for positioning?

Otherwise, if you want a suggestion: Use Ath' WinButton program and devcon.  Create one button to disable the touch screen device and another to re-enable it.

What a silly question!!
Just kidding. You couldn't know unless you've had one to mess with.
The laptop must have different drivers to control the inputs, because the stylus touch and inking is totally separate from the finger touch. Finger touch can be turned on or off, but the stylus always is working.
I'll check out the programs you suggested.

This sounds like a really good idea to me.  Maybe you can try to find if the control panel item has any documentation somewhere that would explain WHAT it actually does when it disables touch screen interaction.



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