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Google's New Toy

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lanux128: does look like they are slowly positioning themselves to take on the juggernaut eBay....-vegas (March 16, 2006, 05:47 AM)
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yes, apparently they want to be in internet what Microsoft already is consumer/corporate PC market... To quote Ampa, "Difficult to know whether that is a good thing or not..."

Yesterday they bought SketchUp. Difficult to know whether that is a good thing or not... I really hope they don't mess up what is a superb product.
-Ampa (March 16, 2006, 03:26 AM)
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I have used SketchUp, it's a great little program

There was very good posting about Google's strategy on the Signal Vs. Noise blog (which is written by 37 Signals, the people behind BackPack and its associated Web 2.0 apps) - take a look:
-m_s (March 16, 2006, 05:15 AM)
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Nice discussion going on there, let me quote Drew McChesney's comment:

It’s obvious Microsoft is doing something right, no matter how bloated or ugly their UI is. Google isn’t going to topple Office with another Office (even web-based), and I really don’t think that’s their goal. The idea of the 80/20 rule, both the idealistic side, and the realistic side, has valid points, but here it’s being considered in a product vs. product debate.

Google is playing a completely different game which could have significant cultural impacts; moving the desktop to the web. Right now, these purchases, rollouts, and strategies are a part of a movement that is in its infancy. Many of these new services and products will flop, miserably, and I think Google understands this very well. However, and I don’t think I’m alone, I believe Google has the resources, the talent, and the track record to pull something this ambitious off.

Google’s threat to Microsoft isn’t just creating superior products; it’s Google’s ability to change the paradigm in which those products are made, distributed, and used.

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I believe Drew is right!


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