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IDEA ~ Show List of Shortcuts overlaid on Desktop

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We can have more than one...
-wraith808 (September 16, 2011, 07:19 PM)
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Fully agree on that, especially if there's a stand-alone and a FARR integrated solution available. :up: :up:

Provide the ability of importing hotkey lists in csv or some other format.  Interested and willing members familiar with a specific program could send in a list of those hotkeys in the preferred format.  Users could pick and choose which list they would need from a repository of sorts.  These could be standard program default hotkey lists or maybe user suggestions. Saves you or even the user from tracking down hotkey lists.  It also becomes a community project.
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This is the whole part that i've always been focued on -- figuring out a nice way to support a community driven wiki-like site for sharing cheat sheets / hotkey lists for apps, without it getting spammed.

What's the procedure for scaring away skwire from a coding request one wants to work on?-mouser (September 16, 2011, 04:42 PM)
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I wondered the opposite - what happens if you gene-splice skwire with skrommel

what happens if you gene-splice skwire with skrommel
-rjbull (September 18, 2011, 10:43 AM)
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I would assume AHK tools for solutions that haven't been requested yet ;D

^ If computer detects that the solution is not made using AHK it shuts down


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