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IDEA ~ Show List of Shortcuts overlaid on Desktop

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I'll have a look at Notezilla as well but might be Monday before I get around to trying it...

what about a popup or slide out window?

something like Stick might do what you want
-Target (September 15, 2011, 06:46 PM)
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Autohide at the side would be very nice too. Will look.

There's a free desktop note program that can associate specific notes to an application, as can notezilla, I think I may have used another free one too...

...the problem is I'm away from my work computer for a few more days and can't remember what they are called.

The associated note could also hide itself when the app was minimised, so it behaved like an extension of the main app; cleverly only being visible when you really wanted it. Several apps could be linked to a single note too.

But, having seen the number of reminders tomos wants to have visible, it looks like a note wouldn't be appropriate. Something more suitable for easy scrolling perhaps? Which sounds like Cheat Sheeter again.

I think this is the one I used, can't test it here as I'm on an iPad.

tomos : take a look at TagKeys. I use it all the time to store and enter logins, unimportant passwords, snippets etc. There are lots of built-in macros and it might just do the job.

It also slides out  :D

On the downside it doesn't seem to be under development any more.

Initially I was thinking of the few shortcuts (per programme) that I wanted to learn. When I saw the XY list I realised how little I know the programme and that this could be a way of learning more about it - I dont know would this (learning) actually work, but I can only tell if I try it out...

So, yes, then scrolling would probably be necessary.

Two more apps on my tryout list (Stickies & TabKeys)

This might be quite a nice use for one of the little touch screens — to display this sort of information as soon as the subject application gains focus.


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